- 部分決賽入圍作品-
△ Drive-through Jiaqi Pan
△ You Will See Me Bright Laura Ligabue
△ Abdou and Carnation Maria Lax
△ Daniel Renata Dutrée
△ Afghan War Portraits Vincenzo Metodo
△ Ironman Eva Marie Uzcategui
△ "We are not animals" — Female Refugees from Venezuela Josh Estey
△ Street Boy in the Central Prison of Douala Dione Roach
△ Dignity Alexandros Vrettakos
△ Fish seller and his motorbike in Hanoi, Vietnam Jon enoch
△ Me, Myself and I Bonnita Postma
△ Artium, Удачный Hanne Van Assche
△ Surrounded by Mirrors Kathrin Knigl
△ Mario Alberto Monica Ochoa
△ Commuters Roberto Di Patrizi
△ The Faces Of Donbas Samuel Eder